
To European friendship: Till death us do part

This has been one of the darkest weeks of my time in the UK. I was there in 2016, around the time of the referendum, studying in Edinburgh under the EU exchange programme Erasmus.

I met Connor, with roots all over the UK, and my epitome for European friendship. Will others be able to have similar, rewarding experiences, and study within a Europe without borders? There seemed to be still hope.


Data protection: Who really needs it?

Have you ever worried about sharing an honest opinion with friend on WhatsApp, or WhatsApp gaining access to the ‘encrypted’ communications? Have you worried about being listened to by the Facebook app, which it probably does not—they are just damn good at predicting your behaviour? Or, ever drafted a Facebook post, which you ended up discarding, which Facebook may retain regardless? Have you worried about sending photos via Snapchat, or Snapchat staff having access to photos?


YouTube: A new age for political campaigning?

In August 2019, the Indian rapper Badshah was widely accused of using a network of servers for the promotion of his latest music video ‘Paagal’. One day after release, this video had reached as many as 75 million views on YouTube, a record. The rapper maintains that he merely employed Google advertising to reach interested viewers. Regardless of the truth, the story showcases how money drives online media prominence.

Read more in this week’s ‘Oxford Student’, written together with Yury Kolotaev.


Culture of convenience: Decisions, a click away

With decisions only a button away, the Internet fosters the convenience of immoral actions. Accountability for online actions does practically not exist. This lack of accountability is unprecedented in its severity, despite telecommunication technologies having been available for a hundred years. Ubiquitous encryption schemes facilitate illegal actions underneath the radar of the authorities and challenge their power.


To a British medium: Irritated and confused

Sir, last month, I first subscribed to your magazine. What I’ve found most irritating during that period is that every single issue has been headlined by Brexit since. I understand that this topic continues to attract all the attention of British politics, caused by the profound and wide implications of the subject. I also acknowledge that Brexit as such constitutes an important selling point for the struggling media industry.


Quo vadis, Flugtaxi?

In Bezug auf die nächste Mobilitätsrevolution mangelt es derzeit nicht an Ideen. Im Ausland gibt es eine Reihe von neuartigen und erfolgreichen Angeboten, allen voran die Taxiapp Uber—Warum nicht auch flächendeckend in Deutschland? Der Grund ist einfach: Das sogenannte Personenbeförderungsgesetz (PBefG) lässt keinen Platz für neue Konzepte! Um einen Überblick über die verfahrene Lage zu bieten, fasst dieser Artikel die momentane Taxireglung anschaulich in drei Säulen (Taxikonzession, Betriebspflicht, Tarifpflicht) zusammen. Dies soll weitere Diskussion motivieren.