This text was written as part of an application to the Oxford Law Faculty.
Data management has long been a big pain point for companies, creating high costs and operational burden. Engine B develops an innovative data management solution, based on a knowledge graph.
This is a concept known by everyone from Google Search. If you Google ‘register to vote’, you’ll be provided with the necessary steps to sign up to vote in the UK directly in the Google Search results (during elections).
The steps to vote are integrated into Google Search, by adding structured information to web pages. This is made possible through a common data model on the web, i.e. widely agreed, open-source standards to integrate web services with another.
The result is a knowledge graph, that makes otherwise separate web data easily explorable on Google and beyond.

Engine B envisages a similarly revolutionary approach for business data: Instead of web pages, their common data model defines how to organise existing business data better, by adding structured information. This makes the data manageable in a Google-Search-like manner, allows professionals to find the right data effortlessly, and reduces operational costs.
Engine B even goes beyond what Google Search does. They use their knowledge graph to help professionals uncover previously unknown relations in data, and creating further efficiencies.