
Semantic Web in Law

This text was written as part of an application to the Oxford Law Faculty.

Data management has long been a big pain point for companies, creating high costs and operational burden. Engine B develops an innovative data management solution, based on a knowledge graph.

This is a concept known by everyone from Google Search. If you Google ‘register to vote’, you’ll be provided with the necessary steps to sign up to vote in the UK directly in the Google Search results (during elections).


Le Guide du Masque

Actuellement, les masques sont omniprésent. Nous voulons donc avoir l’apparence parfaite. Je veux discuter les masques plus principaux dans ce qui suit.

Le masque chirurgical


Il s’agit du choix le plus classique. Son utilisateur préfère le confort, moins l’esthétique. Il ne faut pas réfléchir beaucoup, en particulier sur les conséquences environnementales. En somme il est estimé que la consummation de plastique à usage unique a augmenté entre 250-300% dans les États-Unis depuis le début de la pandémie. 🤮


Government in (Times of) Crisis

The unexamined life is not worth living.

Socrates (allegedly)

The ongoing pandemic challenges our moral thinking. Every action, more so than ever, can have severe consequences. Even mundane tasks such as grocery shopping come at a risk, though little.

So far, our main protection against covid-19 is vigilance. But, even that relies on trust towards the ones around us, since complete isolation is not an option for many.

What role should government take in this equation, of protection one individual against another?


Europe, My Love

Dear Europe,

It hasn’t always been easy for you in recent times. I know that you’re trying hard, but there’s only so much you can do. Even the most ambitious political institutions have their limits.

I often wonder what life would be like, if you weren’t around. Norway and Switzerland seem to be doing fine, even without a close relationship between you. The Union affords great freedom, but wouldn’t we have this without you, too?


‘German? I’m European!’

Even before the current movement, I’ve often asked myself what my country of origin, Germany, has learned from the Third Reich. Has the past given us some level of immunity for the future? I’ve got my doubts, but also think there’s hope.